Finding your business management software

best business management software

Checkmate your business dilemmas with our winning checklist for finding the best software fit

With so much information online about business management software, determining the best software fit for your business can leave you more confused than before you started your search. Here are our top tips for making your move into the world of software. So, you can emerge with a winning technology solution for your business.

Your first move: What’s the crux of your problem?

A great place to begin is by defining the main issues that you’re looking to rectify in your business. Why are you looking for business management software, and what are you hoping to change?

Your sticking points can stretch across a wide range of business dilemmas. Yet, having an idea of your prime problem areas can help to focus your software search, so you can start to make your first move.

Controlling the centre: Align your search with your industry sector

Next, search for software that is centred around your designated industry. Through this method, you can narrow down a lot of common areas you wish to address with the technology. With every sector comes a different set of software requirements. Plus, varied kinds of specialist compliance and operation measures are a must for each business. Finding solutions developed for your sector can ensure these factors are taken into account.

Open avenues for your rooks: Talk to your department managers

Your department managers can be a great source of information for the specifics of your teams’ operational quirks. Opening up the floor to their insights can outline any specific departmental requirements that the software will need to address.

Ask them to set out every area of their team’s current workflow. Your finance team, for instance, will think differently to your warehouse team. The chances are they will already use disparate systems to complete their daily tasks. Consider, also, if your software will need to integrate with pre-existing systems. Your team may already work well with one system, or they could need a complete system change to solve their operational blockers.

Go for the king: Special software bonuses

Now you know the business dilemmas you’d like to address, but what would be your ideal software assets? You should decide the particular extra benefits you wish your software to provide: Do you wish to confidently and sustainably grow or evolve your business? Or, you could even develop a specialist operational capability, set to innovate your processes like never before. Whatever you want to achieve for your business, your software should be able to help with those goals.

The checkmate move: Pick up the phone

Doing your research is always important, but it can only get you so far when trying to find the perfect software for your business. Picking up the phone to an expert can help you discover the solution that can fulfil your exact business requirements.

OrderWise is an experienced software provider here to assist in your software journey. With 30 years of experience in providing solutions to businesses and over 200 experts working from our purpose-built head office here in the UK, we are looking to help your business however we can in your search for the best software. For more information, talk to a member of the OrderWise team today on 01522 704083 or visit our website.