The OrderWise Questionnaire builder explained

Questionnaire builder

Often, when you book a sale or service appointment, you need more information than just dates, times, places, and costs. Depending on the nature of your business, there could be all kinds of other things you need to know. Details about accessibility, allergies, legal requirements, personnel preparedness, or safety considerations. To help with all these, and any other number of issues, OrderWise has recently released the OrderWise Questionnaire Builder.

What is the OrderWise Questionnaire Builder?

The questionnaire builder is a new software feature that allows you to attach a set of questions to a specific variant. If a customer contacts you and wants to make a specific purchase/book that particular service, a new window will emerge, prompting your sales representative to ask certain questions and record the specific answers.

You can tailor and redesign this questionnaire as you see fit. There are options for multiple-choice, longer-form open-ended responses, various forms of numeric entries, and several others.

Additionally, the questions can have flowing consequences. Specific responses may prompt different sets of questions to emerge, allowing your business to gain the exact details you really need, rather than having to slog through a load of irrelevant minutia.

What is the OrderWise Questionnaire for?

Questionnaires have any number of potential uses in a wide variety of business situations. The following list is only a small selection of examples:

Accessibility checks

Installing certain items or deploying certain services might require specific kinds of accessibility. Questions about things like ramps, the width of doors, the presence of stairs, the availability of elevators, and several other elements, could be very useful.

Health and safety

Certain kinds of processes or services may require that specific safety equipment is readily available. Your questionnaire may ask things about possible hazards, the training of on-site staff, or other health and safety issues.

Basic diagnostics

When you arrange some kinds of service, you might need to know what existing items are already present, and how well they are working. A questionnaire can direct your sales team to the most important and relevant areas to check before staff are deployed and services are rendered.

General compliance

Specific processes and installations may require that your business has asked clients about things like insurance, certification, training, or any number of other concerns surrounding general compliance. With a questionnaire system in place, you can be sure the right questions are asked at the right time.

Customer research

When clients make specific requests or order particular services, sometimes it is worth gathering some extra details. With the right questionnaire in the right place, you can keep a closer eye on the kinds of clients making certain types of order.

Discover the OrderWise Questionnaire builder

Learn more about how this latest feature gives your company another route to commercial success. Speak to one of our customer success agents today, and find out how OrderWise makes it much easier to map out a path to all the answers you need.