5 reasons to invest in KPI dashboards

Struggling with the hassle of manual performance data retrieval?
We understand the challenge. Whether you're juggling a mix of programs, online dashboard creators, various resources, or you're starting from scratch, compiling data for KPI dashboards can be overwhelming. Yet, these dashboards are crucial for your business's success.
Here are five compelling reasons to consider investing in a superior KPI dashboard system:
1. You want to make right decisions for your business
The number one priority for any business owner should be making the right decisions for your business, but how can this be done without a representation of how you’re performing? Missing company targets, declining in business performance and missing big opportunities are just some of the potential damages caused by a lack of KPIs.
At-a-glance KPI statistics will provide you with the information you need to make informed business decisions. For instance, you can find out how well your products are selling with up-to-the-minute information, which means you can stock your warehouse accordingly and make larger sales.
2. Your current KPI dashboards system isn’t working
Do you have a method for creating KPI dashboards that’s proving to be hard work?
Having several separate sources to input your KPI information might seem like the logical business decision financially, but there are major problems with this method. Not only is it inconsistent, but by the time you have collated the data, your static snapshots will be out of date and therefore not much use.
Using a quality KPI dashboards system will mean that you are working alongside your customers rather than five steps behind. This is because your KPIs are ready and waiting for you in a single platform, so you can make business decisions without the time-consuming preparation.
3. Your visuals are mismatched
In the business world, it’s not uncommon to be the recipient of a badly designed presentation, so why would you put your business in the same position with inconsistent performance visuals?
In an ERP system such as Orderwise, you can choose from 500 KPI charts which can be customised to meet individual preferences and company branding. You can even create, save and load your own style or choose from a huge range of pre-set appearances readily available as standard.
4. You can’t access data on the move
Got a business lead out the blue but can’t highlight the great work you’ve done? Not having this information readily available could be the make or break of a big business deal.
Having all your KPI statistics in one place makes it possible to retrieve this information on the spot. If you’re working remotely, visiting a trade show, attending a meeting with customers or somewhere else entirely, you can open KPI Dashboards via mobile app and gain invaluable insight instantly.
5. It’s a waste of valuable time
Let’s face it, you can spend hours collating information to put into a separate KPI dashboards platform. Even worse, you will have to do it all over again the next time you need to look at your performance. With an ERP system your visual representation is constantly refreshed to keep you up to date at the click of a button.