10 reasons to adopt handheld technology

handheld technology

Whilst the last two years have been challenging for warehouse operations, handheld technology has been a saving grace.

Warehouse operations have needed to meet demand in difficult circumstances, and this technology has enabled them to meet it.

Mobile WMS for Android is our flagship package that encompasses handheld technology. Using this solution, businesses have the power to create a streamlined operation amid Covid-19.

Here are 10 reasons why your business should make the investment:

  1. Enhanced operation
    Granted, the number one selling point for any warehouse is the enhanced operation that comes with implementing handheld technology. Using OrderWise Mobile WMS for Android, the possibilities for your warehouse are never-ending. To name a few, you can automatically create, assign and amalgamate picks in a flash for your workforce. This is on top of reducing time spent dealing with costly returns and eliminating stock discrepancies and double handling of goods.
  2. Real-time visibility
    Knowing what’s happening the moment it happens is a game changer for warehouse operations, especially in larger establishments where it’s hard to get a message across. With wireless synchronisation, your pickers can see notifications and work assignments on their device in real-time, so they can take immediate action when new picks arrive in their feed. This way, management are happy that jobs aren’t missed, while pickers can get on with their jobs without interruption – it’s a win-win!
  3. Management availability
    This works the other way, too. With paper-based operations, pickers require daily supervision so they can switch up their tasks as and when priorities change. Because you can’t update paper lists, supervisors spend much of their time rallying up staff on the warehouse floor. Handheld technology provides an easy and immediate alternative that benefits not just the pickers, but everyone else in the operation. Sending notifications directly to your pickers through this technology allows warehouse managers to concentrate on jobs that add value.
  4. Hassle-free goods in
    Getting in a muddle with your stock before it’s even on the shelves is a situation no warehouse wants to be in. Luckily, with the Mobile Goods In module as part of OrderWise Mobile WMS for Android, staff can scan received stock in against the relevant purchase order for fast and accurate receipt and guided put away of goods.
  5. Priorities managed
    Never miss a deadline again. Using handheld technology, pickers become self-efficient through automated assignment of picks with built-in priority technology, even when their assignment is complete. For example, if your picker was assigned to items with a 24-hour delivery slot, they will automatically move onto 48-hour delivery slots upon completion. This allows your business to efficiently meet the correct timescales for your customers.
  6. Fast, accurate scanning
    Want to grab more information about a product without chasing paperwork? Using the 1D and 2D barcode-scanning technology, receive information against purchase orders instantly for fast and accurate receipt of goods, with expiry dates, batch and serial numbers captured. What’s more, you can instantly flag stock issues and replenishments, and perform precise stock takes with minimal disruption.
  7. Social distancing
    Let’s face it, we’re all uncertain about the future of Covid-19 now we’ve been hit with a second wave. Luckily, HHTs double up as tools to keep your workforce socially distanced. Using handheld technology, you can easily assign where your pickers are positioned for their shift to keep them apart from one another. You can distinguish walk routes too, and with less people touching each product in the warehouse, there’s less chance of cross-contamination.
  8. Onboarding staff
    As we head into the Christmas season, onboarding seasonal staff will help with peaks in your operation. While it might seem that technology of this kind will be hard for new recruits to grasp, that simply isn’t the case. Our new HHTs operate like the smartphone you have at home, only packed with more intelligent kit! The best bit is, new recruits can simply pick up a device, turn it on and get to work without a lengthy meeting to determine priorities for the day, allowing for a faster and smoother onboarding process.
  9. Power to keep going
    Another great thing about the modern day HHT is that the battery lasts. The devices we provide for our customers have a 14-hour battery life, meaning pickers can work a double shift without interruption. What’s more, handheld technology is easily connected to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and other networks for complete usability, so you don’t have pickers offline unnecessarily. Our HHTs are even made of tough equipment, so they are resilient if a picker was to drop it on a job.
  10. Faster picking
    The best bit? Your current workforce will be picking items faster than ever before. Truth be told, you might not need to recruit as many Christmas temps with our new Mobile WMS for Android, as you are increasing picking speeds and even reducing the cost per each order filled. The dramatic changes you will see in your operation makes this a truly worthwhile investment.

Are you thinking about investing in handheld technology but don’t know where to start? Visit our dedicated webpage or fill in our contact form and a member of our friendly team will be in touch. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to find out more about our range of warehouse solutions.