Huge Time Savings With New Auto-Generate Invoice Functionality


When it comes to invoices, you will find that each customer will have their own preferred frequency as to how often they want to be billed.

Depending on the customer, you may be invoicing as and when goods are shipped, or you may be billing them at the end of every month. What’s more, some customers may prefer their invoices to be emailed, others may still prefer to receive theirs in the post. With invoices needing to be created in different formats and sent at different times throughout the month like this, businesses may find that this can cause challenges with both administration and financial reporting.

For example, if financials are managed through a holding or parent company, having invoices manually created at various times throughout the month

may cause reports to become skewed if the information isn’t obtained in time. This means management may not have a full picture of company cash flow and all incoming amounts when they need it. Additionally, if high volumes of goods are shipped on a regular basis to a large customer base, manually creating and sending invoices can quickly become an extremely time-consuming task. Therefore, to stay on top of invoice management, businesses should look at ways to automate their processes.

Automate Your Invoice Generation With OrderWise

With OrderWise Invoicing, businesses are already able to fully automate invoice posting over to OrderWise Accounts or utilise one-click posting to popular accounts systems like Sage or QuickBooks. Now adding to the time-saving benefits on offer with the OrderWise Invoicing module, new functionality has been added this month to enable the actual generation of both invoices and credits to now also be automated.

This has been facilitated by a new scheduled service task option that enables users to simply set the invoice frequency and output method, whether this is email or post. Then when the task is run, all order and credit lines for the specified invoice frequency are determined by OrderWise and the invoices/credits automatically generated.

Through using this feature, businesses using OrderWise Invoicing can greatly reduce time spent on administration by having both invoices and credits automatically emailed or printed based on the customer’s preferred invoicing frequency.

To find out more about how OrderWise can help with your daily customer invoicing, speak to our team on 01522 704083.